Change One Thing, Change Everything


Getting Rid Of Tuesdays
Saving The Planet


Our WHY: Improve The Well-Being Of All People & The Planet



What Is 24Six.World

Changing the calendar is the catalyst and an achievable solution to move the people and the planet in a positive direction.  The six day week will allow for vast improvements in sustainable development and individual well-being and employee engagement.  The alternative of trying to get each government, company, and individual to change one at a time is like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound.  Also, the six day week offers a lot more opportunities for positive change than trying to move the world to a four day work week in a seven day calendar. 

How Will It Work

Remove Tuesday 

Keep number of months and days in months the same

6 day week wrapped around 365 days = 60 weeks & 5 days

No Tuesday = an average of 17 less work and school days a year

4 day work and school week

8 to 9 more full weekends a year


What if one idea could be the catalyst to change the whole world and what would it include?

The end result is a change that:

Will vastly improve the well-being of all citizens

Will greatly increase employee engagement

Will significantly reduce carbon emissions

Will boost opportunities to achieve the SDG's

Will ensure buy-in from a majority of world governments and businesses

Transcends policy silos

Minimizes trade-offs concerning the SDG's

Is free of bias

Is affordable

Is achievable

Is the very definition of sustainable development


"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Apparently Not Albert Einstein

Throughout history change has been a constant. Everyday leads to change in some aspect or another, except one thing has remained relatively unchanged for all of time and that's the calendar.

Vision of our WHY - Improve the well-being of all people and the planet by getting rid of a day of the week.

Who Will Benefit




Planet itself


How will a six day week make the world a better place?

The six day week answers the question of "what's in it for me?" for all aspects of society.  The key to the success stems from the instant and ongoing change cycles that result from such  a catalyst, and the chain reaction of increased well-being, employee engagement, and sustainable development that feed off one another.


Some of the "What's in it for us" results

Why Would Businesses & Governments Do This?

It Would Be In Everyone's Best Interest

For Businesses 

Lower operating costs 



Increased employee engagement leads to

Increased productivity 

Increased profits

Increased overall well-being for employees 

Decreased absenteeism 

Decreased turnover 

Decreased safety accidents

Cost savings and revenue increases allow businesses to invest in areas that will foster a sustainable business future

Hiring the right leaders for teams and training them in employee engagement

Employees financial well-being

Research and development 

For Governements

Happier citizens - which leads to

Healthier citizens

Stronger communities

Increased trust in the government 

Large decrease in spending on public programs due to increased overall well-being of citizens - which leads to

Increased financial well-being of all citizens due to lower taxes

Decrease in healthcare spending as % of GDP

Increased spending in areas that foster sustainable development 

Infrastructure needs

Small businesses - the lifeblood of any successful economy

Programs to provide ongoing training so citizens can contribute in the ever changing job market


For the Planet

An average of 17 less work & school days will lead to

Lower co2 emissions due to

Less work commute

Less energy expended from business operations 

Longer life expectancy of resource reserves


For Individuals

Unlimited possibilities- when overall well-being and employee engagement increase positive outcomes increase

More time to spend with friends and family

More time and money to enjoy activities and experiences

Healthier relationships

Lower suicide rates

More volunteering 

Our WHY cannot happen without you